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The Register
Letters to the Editor

The Register welcomes our readers' letters on matters of public interest, and may be sent to editor, Gordon Watts at either:, or, if AOL accidentally returns your mail, to

Letters may be edited for spelling, grammar, style, length, and/or accuracy. Not all letters are published. Letters should be brief and must include the writer's name, address, phone number. Unless otherwise noted, letters published will include name, City and State of writer, and email address. You may ask that more contact information be included, but The Register will not include less identification when publishing without good reason.

Sunday, 15 February 2004
In the state of Indiana there are about 700,000 people 65 and over. It seems that it is a must to eliminate some of the older people because of the burden on health care, older people that are non-productive or a nuisance.

My Father in-law lived in Indiana. He was 93, almost 94. He was doing just fine. My wife's step mother complained for several years that he was near death and we might as well accept it. My Father in-law seemed to be doing just fine when we talked to him. She always had him near death, although he seemed perfectly healthy (except for the use of his legs). My wife's step-sister came in from Illinois and had a hissy about how her mother was physically unable to care for him. We agreed and mentioned that we had talked to her about getting some help, but she did not listen to us. The daughter called in the Hospice, put him in a hospital bed, and gave him sleeping pills and laxatives. They said he was losing control. They said he had heart failure and that he had suffered a stroke. My brother in-law had him taken to the Elkhart hospital. They said he did not have congestive heart failure and that he had not suffered a stroke. Their local doctor had been accepting the diagnosis of his wife.

They sent him home. They began to give him sleeping pills or whatever -and with a shot or so of morphine. They removed food and water because they said he could not swallow. My wife called her father in Indiana. He told her "The doctor was just here. They won't tell me what's wrong. If you find out what is wrong with me will you tell me." My wife said, "Honey, if I find out I will let you know." That was the last time she heard from her Father. He was admitted to the Goshen Hospital where he was diagnosed as "severe dehydration." They again removed food and water in an attempt to get him to die. His doctor, who had removed himself from the case after he had gone to Elkhart, came in the room early one morning and left. My Brother in-law came to see his dad, there was a dark bruise on the side of his face. It wasn't long before my father in-law was dead. What happened? Someone is not squaring up with us. This thing has divided the family between those who wanted him to live and die a natural death -and those who wanted him to die. We have been labeled the villains because we wanted him to live, have water, and food, at least. What can be done in this situation????

Larry L. Evans
Garland, Texas

Well, your 700,000 figure makes good sense because Indiana appears to be about average size for a state, with 9 US House representatives. (The average number is 8.7 Reps per State, 50 States, and 435 Reps in the US House total.) Of the 300 Million or so US citizens, Indiana would have about (9.0/8.7) times 6.0 Million, or 6.2 Million. Of those, average US Census figures for the country (if the same for Indiana), would indicate about 12.2% -or about 757,241 people over age 65 in Indiana, actually a little more than indicated by you in your letter.

Sunday, 15 February 2004
If you aren't scared of hospitals and police after reading this letter, you are clearly PVS
I am writing to clear up misconceptions about Terri Schiavo -and to inform you of pending legal action to address the root causes.

The Courts misclassified her as PVS because the legal definition, found in State Law 765.101(12), says she mustn’t have any cognitive ability: She apparently can move around. Also, studies find that 43% of all PVS patients are later found to be incorrectly diagnosed! Police also violated laws by refusing to investigate a 2nd degree felony committed by Michael Schiavo: This past October, he went above court orders regarding removal of a feeding tube -he removed oral food -which was in felony violation of s.825.102(3) of State Law. This law makes no exception for PVS patients and prohibits denial of food or medical treatment for a disabled or elderly adult.

Apparently the courts and police think that lawmakers were just joking when they made certain things a 2nd degree felony. I disagree. The Fla. 2nd DCA has accepted for review my pending lawsuit, seeking to compel the Police to enforce these laws -and to prohibit the trial courts from illegally denying rehab for Terri. It is my right as a state citizen to seek enforcement of State laws here. I hope to review other violations of State Law: Terri has been denied swallowing therapy for 13 years, in violation of 744.3215(1)(i) and denied counsel in court, in violation of 744.3215(1)(l).

Here are some practical considerations: If they can violate this disabled woman, who can move around and maybe see/hear, what happens if you get knocked out stone cold unconscious? Or, even worse, what if you are conscious, but unable to speak or move beyond a "twitch" or "involuntary spasm?" Will they try to starve you too?

Last but not least, the Holy Bible quotes the two wisest men of all time on these issues: Proverbs 24:11-12; Prov. 31:8-9; and the last few verses of Matthew, chapter 25. However, due to precious “word count,” readers will probably not be able to see these quotes here; They’ll probably have to look them up themselves and see what the Big Man might have to say about Theresa Schiavo and contemporary "Scribes and Pharisees."

Gordon W. Watts
Lakeland, Florida

The writer is a graduate from Florida State University, has had Oral Arguments before the 2nd DCA this past October 08 &, and is featured on at "01-21-04 - Untested Legal Approaches Private citizen files suit on behalf of Terri Schindler-Schiavo," for pro se court actions demanding enforcement of state laws. Watts is currently the only person to have properly sued either the State Attorney's Office or the local police regarding enforcement of these laws:;_casenumber=414&psCourt;=2&psSearchType;=.

Watts is also the editor-in-chief of The Register.

"PVS" means "Persistant Vegitative State," a term whose definition is in dispute by many health care professionals. We
will publish the Biblical references you mention, but not here, due to space restrictions. You may go to the front page news section and click on the links related to the Letter to Congress or the email to the Fraud division of the Florida Dept of Insurance about possible insurance fraud by Michael Schiavo.

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Gordon W. Watts, Editor-in-Chief, The Register *


"First, they [Nazis] came for the Jews. I was silent. I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists. I was silent. I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists. I was silent. I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me. There was no one left to speak for me." (Martin Niemoller, given credit for a quotation in The Harper Religious and Inspirational Quotation Companion, ed. Margaret Pepper (New York: Harper &Row;, 1989), 429 -as cited on page 44, note 17, of Religious Cleansing in the American Republic, by Keith A. Fornier, Copyright 1993, by Liberty, Life, and Family Publications.

